The RMC Board is always looking for new individuals in the Rocky Mountain region who are eager to advance the cause of a cure to HD and help support HD patients in need.
Elizabeth Heap
Vice President
Monica Mayerle
Jonathan Lohse
Floyd Fishleigh
Advocacy Chair
Susan Winter
Fundraising Chair & Team-Hope-Walk Chair
Kathleen Bates
Celebration-of-Hope Chair
Molly Kokesh
Community Services Co-Chairs
Phyllis Currans
Greg Jarvis
National Youth Alliance Chair
Collin Harrington
At-Large Board Members
Laurene Bretz
Justin Wallach

RMC Board members at the 2023 Celebration of Hope (from left to right):
Jon Lohse; Kathleen Bates; Molly Kokesh; Liza Heap; Phyllis Currans; Greg Jarvis